The Different Types Of Childcare

The Different Types Of Childcare

Deciding On The Right Time For Your Child To Begin Kindergarten

6 August 2020
, Blog

Watching your baby grow into a toddler and later into a young child can be fulfilling and overwhelming. The significant developmental changes experienced in early childhood need to be supported and cushioned by quality education from early on. Research has found that early education can have a considerable impact on both secondary and university academic performances.  However, rushing a child who isn't quite ready into the swirl of unfamiliar faces, unknown rules, and performance expectations can be damaging in the long run.
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Three Ways You Can Familiarise Your Child With Their New Preschool To Make The Transition Easier

15 June 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Preschool is the first time in your child life that they are going to be mostly surrounded by people other than family. Naturally, this is going to come with some hiccups as your child learns to adapt to their new reality, but at the end of the day, almost all children take to preschool sooner or later. If you want this to be more on the 'sooner' side of that equation, there are a few simple tricks you can use to prepare your child for preschool.
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What Your Kid’s Behaviour May Be Telling You About Child Care

22 May 2020
 Categories: , Blog

As with other sectors, the customer, in this case, the kids, is always right in the provision of child care services. As a parent, you want to make sure that your child is receiving the kind of care that meets your child's immediate needs and nurtures their development in the long run. With some feedback from your kid, often in not so many words, you may be able to gauge the quality of child care they are receiving, and whether or not it may be time to consider other options.
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Childcare Centres — What You Need to Know

15 May 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Childcare is a necessity in Australia, as most families rely on two incomes to make it financially. As of March 2019, 44.3% of children five years and younger and 31.6% of children between 0-12 years attended approved childcare centres. The Australian Government, through the Child Care Pack, has also made childcare more accessible, flexible, and affordable. Benefits of Childcare Centres Daycare centres have daily routines to help children develop good habits. When a child knows what to expect each day at school, they become responsible.
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How Counting Exercises Can Help Your Child Get Ready for Kindergarten

27 April 2020
 Categories: , Blog

If you put five pre-kindergarten children together and assess their capability, it's unlikely that they will all be "on the same page." Individual children tend to learn at their own pace, and they will not begin to make any real progress until they enrol in some form of formal education. Yet, you may be worried that your child is a little behind or may not be ready for their first kindergarten class.
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About Me
The Different Types Of Childcare

Every parent hopes to find the perfect childcare for their children when life dictates it is time for them to return to work. However, gone are the days when childcare only meant one option. The traditional childcare centre is still very popular, but there are other choices now too. When you want to find out what all the childcare options are so that you can choose which one suits your family lifestyle best, then you come to a website like this to find out more. Childcare centres, family daycare, nannies and au pairs are all possibilities discussed for your consideration.
